Here’s my new worship single titled, You Fill My Life With Joy, released online today.

This is a song of hear-felt worship, praise and thanksgiving. Reflecting on all God has done, and still doing in my life, and giving Him thanks for everything. I believe it will be of great blessing to you, because only God can “…fill your life with joy, flood your heart with peace, dispel the darkness, and heal you of every sickness“.
You can download it via Noisetrade.
Song Lyrics:
Oh Lord, you are my God
Unto I call, and to you I sing
Abba Father, only you I seek
Every night and day
With this song to You
You fill my life with joy
And flood my heart with peace
Darkness dispelled
Sicknesses healed
So I lift my voice in praise
I worship and adore
Giving You thanks
And all that I am
Only You deserve my worship
Only You deserve my praise
Its Your breath that keeps me living
So I sing this song to You
You fill my life with joy
And flood my heart with peace
Darkness dispelled
Sicknesses healed
So I lift my voice in praise
I worship and adore
Giving You thanks
And all that I am
Thank you for downloading the song and sharing the link. I pray this songs blesses you every time you listen to it.