By Tommy Tush.
Not all MDs can build an excellent team. Some can build and run it. Some have never built one but have been part of running it. Almost 100% of the time anyone who can build an excellent and effective team can as well run it. almost 100% of the time. This is why- once you know how you got to a place you know what should be done to maintain that status. Many have been handed a great choir and because they never built one, they didn't know the protocol of excellence and greatness so in few years they messed it up. Some can build a just OK team or an ordinary team. But you s...
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Building Excellent and Effective Music Teams – Part 1
By Tommy Tush.
This is for Pastors, Music and Choir Directors and Music team members who desire growth and change.
Building excellent and effective music teams is a great task. Not everyone has done or can do this. A lot of people can join or lead a team after everything is rosy. Not everyone has the Patience and skill to build from ground up. When people see that a choir is nor yet set they run away to a choir that's already built and has everything going. The work it entails send many running away. Anything worth having is worth building. Anything that will last must be well const...
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Curtailing Negative Extremes in Praise and Worship
Pentecostals, one time, classified white garment assemblies on a Blacklist being called many negative names and haunted down by the Levitical Raymond Reddingtons. Today we see a number of worship leaders in Pentecostal circles practicing the tongues and chants from the CCC and C&S and slapping it on worship songs. Suddenly Dembe and Reddington are both MIA. (Sincere apologies to those who are not fans of Blacklist). It's a trending trend now. Some call it tongues of Angels. Quite interesting. You know what I'm talking about even if you're on this table. Don't come down. Sit there. Let's...
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Which Spirit is Behind The Music?
Music is so powerful on the souls of men, it can make people do crazy things.
It can make you have goosebumps. It can make you feel excited or feel depressed or feel powerful or feel confused or feel inspired. It is a powerful tool.
But while listening to a song or music piece. The spirit behind the song or music will make its impact. A spirit of self or spirit of darkness or the Spirit of God.
A spirit of self will give birth to more ways of the flesh in the person. A spirit of darkness will give birth to more of the ways of the kingdom of darkness in the person. The Spirit of God w...
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Lagos International Worship Conference 2018
Hello friends,
I would like to invite you to LIWC 2018.
The Lagos International Worship Conference.
A conference for all those involved in the worship ministry; pastor, worship pastor, music director, worship leader, chorister, worship team, etc.
Investing in your ministry is investing in your destiny. Invest time to learn and equip yourself at a conference like this.
Come and get equipped with spiritual and musical knowledge and more.
It's happening this Friday to Sunday, 29th June -1st July. Friday 9 a.m., Saturday 9 a.m. and Sunday 4 p.m.
Venue; RCCG The King's Court, 3 Key...
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