A Christmas Prayer For You

Hello. I pray for you this Christmas season, that you will truly experience the love, grace and blessings of Jesus Christ. I pray you will get to know Jesus Christ more personally and intimately as your Saviour and Lord. I pray the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see and ears to hear all that God wants you to see and ear as a child of God. I pray you start experience God's healing and wholeness in your spirit, soul and body this Christmas season. I pray this Christmas season will bring new measures and new levels of God's word and Spirit into your life, and you will star...
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Sex; Women Love It As Much As Men

Over the years, in many churches, we are always taught that men need sex more than women. But now, in many relationships, many Christian ladies want premarital sex more than men, under the guise of wanting to know if he can satisfy her sexually before they actually get married. Some also add it is part of expressing romance and love. I remember a female friend telling me that many wives are complaining and frustrated because they're not sexually satisfied in the marriages. Asides videos by medical pros, all the online videos on herbs or smoothies to boost a man's sexual performances are...
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Independence Day Prayer For Nigeria

We thank God for Nigeria. For keeping Nigeria from wars and destruction in spite all that has happened in this nation. For making Nigeria relatively peaceful and with hope of better tomorrow. Righteousness exalts a nation, that Bible says. And it has been prophesied that Nigeria will be a nation of righteousness. Therefore, we pray that God almighty will help us to raise men and woman of righteousness and competence, who will take over the governmental leadership of Nigeria at federal and state levels, and lead Nigeria into her prophetic destiny and prophesied by men of God from years past...
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Love Is God’s Formula

By Diekolola Ojoma. I had a CELL leader in Church who I was very close to and she had an idea of some amorous proposals from known figures I could not even explain how I met them or how it boiled down to those myself. One day after service on a Saturday, one kept calling, a top Govt. Official. I showed her chats and what the disturbance was about.She said I needed to take advantage of these men's attention to settle myself, because elderly men with power, is for financial settlement and social security etc.She trusted me enough to be vulnerable with me, and confessed her relationship with ...
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Virginity & Sexual Purity

Keeping your body, and guarding your mind/soul. As a child of God, your virginity will end when you get married, but your sexual purity never ends, because you're not allowed to think sexually of another man/woman who's not your husband/wife. A lot is usually asked of a single to be sexually pure, which is great. But the married folks have to be sexually pure too, if not, adultery & sexual sins will happen. Sexual purity is very important for both the single & married, young & old, male & female, rich & poor. “You have heard that it was said to those of old, Yo...
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