God is Just and Good in His Decisions

God doesn’t kill . God cannot kill . God will not kill . God will not kill unjustly . Which is it ? God doesn’t do evil . God cannot do evil . What is evil ? Some theologians will reply on a first order of thinking level that every killing is evil . Every destruction is evil . Calling fire from heaven was evil . Then we will now end up at universalism . Just like Bishop Carlton Williams did . God is good . God cannot do evil . Therefore God will not send anyone to hell to be destroyed eternally . A good and kind God cannot do such evil . A go...
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Why You Need To Abide in Christ (God’s word)

You Don't Need A Touch, what you need is to abide in Christ. I can do all things through Christ, and can do nothing without Christ. If I be in the body of Christ, which I am, why do I need a touch from God again? I'm already one with God in Christ. I already have what is more than a touch. Jesus is the vine (John 15:5), I am a branch, the life in the vine is what flows in the branch. His life is flowing in me. I don't need a touch, what he is giving me is more than a touch. He is giving me his supply of abundant life everyday. If I truly understand what he is giving me and I keep rec...
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Return To Jesus

This is a call to all those who have gone astray! If you abandon the faith - Kingdom of God, the ways of Jesus Christ - because of how church leadership or folks treated you in the past, and go into the ways of the world - the lust of the flesh, lust of money, debauchery, etc; I pray you find your way back like the prodigal son before it's too late. People can treat you badly, even anointed ministers of God - pastors, prophets, evangelists, apostles, general overseers - but by the standard of God, it will never justify your action to abandon the faith. You are still solely responsible f...
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Those Who Belittled God or His Word

I found this post on a friend’s facebook wall and I thought I needed to have it here. Reading through this, it shows how people have paid dearly for deliberately belittling God or abusing His name or His word. God is real and He is almighty, and it is wise to take that to heart. John Lennon (Singer): Some years ago, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said: ‘Christianity will end, it will disappear. I do not have to argue about that.. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him’ (1966). Lennon, after saying th...
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Dr. Myles Munroe; Gone To Rest

Woke up on Monday 10th November, picked up my phone and saw the face of a well-known minister of God on the digital photos of my BlackBerry Messenger contacts. I also checked my WhatsApp messenger and saw news about his passing away. So I logged into my Facebook account, and there it was from news, magazines and blogs; Dr. Myles Munroe, his wife, Ruth and seven other people, died in a plane crash. Sigh!....very sad morning. Dr. Myles Munroe died in a plane crash on Sunday, Nov. 9, when his private jet struck a construction crane and crashed during its approach to the Grand Bahama Inter...
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