Lagos International Worship Conference 2018

Hello friends, I would like to invite you to LIWC 2018. The Lagos International Worship Conference. A conference for all those involved in the worship ministry; pastor, worship pastor, music director, worship leader, chorister, worship team, etc. Investing in your ministry is investing in your destiny. Invest time to learn and equip yourself at a conference like this. Come and get equipped with spiritual and musical knowledge and more. It's happening this Friday to Sunday, 29th June -1st July. Friday 9 a.m., Saturday 9 a.m. and Sunday 4 p.m. Venue; RCCG The King's Court, 3 Key...
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When Music Pastors/Music Directors Play gods!

Some very interesting truths in this write-up... [caption id="attachment_406" align="alignright" width="325"] Bola Mogaji[/caption] In the last few months, I have met and spoken with a few Music Directors, who were once ordinary musicians or vocalists, who have now risen to this heavenly position, due to ability, experience or service to their various ministries. For once, i was able to do a general personal assessment of who they really are, and their contributions to the further growth of the Music Ministry. My Verdict: Most have no clue about the responsibility of the office of...
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