You Don't Need A Touch, what you need is to abide in Christ.
I can do all things through Christ, and can do nothing without Christ.
If I be in the body of Christ, which I am, why do I need a touch from God again? I'm already one with God in Christ. I already have what is more than a touch.
Jesus is the vine (John 15:5), I am a branch, the life in the vine is what flows in the branch. His life is flowing in me. I don't need a touch, what he is giving me is more than a touch. He is giving me his supply of abundant life everyday. If I truly understand what he is giving me and I keep rec...
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Who is Greater or More Successful in Ministry?
When a child/minister of God dies and leaves this world, many Christians say this like "he is the greatest preaher of..." or "one of the most anointed..." or "one of the most profound teachers of...." and things like that.
You know, for a child of God and concerning the things of the kingdom, it is unwise to say a child of God is greater than another child of God or a child of God is the greatest preacher or teacher or man of God or singer or minister, etc., because of the ministry achievements we see.
We are not of them that compare themselves with themselves. Most importantly, the Lor...
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Fulfilling Purpose Beyond The Local Church Assembly
In our society, most of the graduates from a university or polytechnic don't stay in the institution to be academic or non-academic staff.
In similar fashion, most Christians who have gone through some training in local church assemblies will not remain church workers all their lives. In the course of their walk with God, God will take them out of the local church assemblies and have them go focus more on things that will have direct impact on the society. That's why many won't need local church titles and positions in the course of fulfilling their God-given purposes.
They will spread ...
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Tips for Having an Impartful Praise & Worship Ministration
From my personal few experiences as a worship leader, here are a few things I have come to understand can truly help you minister effectively during a praise and worship session, be it in a large church gathering or a house fellowship or a small group.
• Have a Spiritual Focus:
At the time of preparation, prayerfully have a definite focus for the session. Let the Holy Spirit open the eyes to what he needs to get done through you in that session. It could be focusing on the name of Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, or declaring God's greatness or his mercy or his love. It could be a time of br...
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How To Develop Your Prophetic Gift: Where to Begin
Your Gift of Prophecy
You believe you have a spiritual gift of prophecy (Rom 12:6)–the special ability given by the Holy Spirit to receive messages from God for yourself and others [1]–but how and where do you start developing it?
Like any spiritual gift and skill, the gift of prophecy takes study, practice and training to develop to its fullest potential. We need to be intentional about developing the spiritual gifts God has invested in our lives. We have a responsibility to steward the gifts God has given us (2 Tim 1:6, 14).
In the New Testament, prophecy is nurtured and grown in the en...
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