Over the years, in many churches, we are always taught that men need sex more than women. But now, in many relationships, many Christian ladies want premarital sex more than men, under the guise of wanting to know if he can satisfy her sexually before they actually get married. Some also add it is part of expressing romance and love.
I remember a female friend telling me that many wives are complaining and frustrated because they're not sexually satisfied in the marriages.
Asides videos by medical pros, all the online videos on herbs or smoothies to boost a man's sexual performances are...
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Love Is God’s Formula
By Diekolola Ojoma.
I had a CELL leader in Church who I was very close to and she had an idea of some amorous proposals from known figures I could not even explain how I met them or how it boiled down to those myself. One day after service on a Saturday, one kept calling, a top Govt. Official. I showed her chats and what the disturbance was about.She said I needed to take advantage of these men's attention to settle myself, because elderly men with power, is for financial settlement and social security etc.She trusted me enough to be vulnerable with me, and confessed her relationship with ...
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Worship and Emotions
There's the saying that women are more emotional than men. I beg to disagree though. I believe both are equally emotional, it's just that what touches our emotions can be quite different from what touches that of the women. Everyday, men smile, laugh, get angry, get sad, get worried, express all kinds of feelings. Emotions! Go to a football viewing centre and see how people's fathers, uncles and brothers are full of emotional expressions. Passionate. Aggressive. Lively.
I believe men are equally as emotional as women, but with respect to different things because of our varying desires.
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Fear The Lord, Love The Lord
It has crossed my mind severally, and I’m getting a better understand of it whenever I meditate on it.
As a Christian, you surely would have heard the words ‘fear of God‘ and ‘love of God‘ before, countless times. Both are useful for our faith, because they help us in our understand of our God and our relationship with him. But I’m coming to understand, that God would rather deal with us, his children, as a God to love than a God to fear.
Am I saying the ‘fear of God’ is bad? Definitely not! I see it more as a starting point for obedience and wisdom (Psa. 111:10, Pro. 1:7, Pro. 8:13...
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