The Many Challenges Worship Leaders Face in Life and Ministry

A call to Ministry via music is a call to persecution, trials and troubles. Its a call to battles that look uncalled for, unwarranted, battles you did nothing to attract. We don't love saying much about this but its the raw truth. We usually talk about the fame and fortune that music ministry could bring but we seldom talk about the dark nights and the Stormy waters. The anointing on the music ministers life will attract arrows, haters and even the devil will be angry at such glorious destiny and will come for you. I'm not trying to scare you. Its the truth and if you're in music you shoul...
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Who is Greater or More Successful in Ministry?

When a child/minister of God dies and leaves this world, many Christians say this like "he is the greatest preaher of..." or "one of the most anointed..." or "one of the most profound teachers of...." and things like that. You know, for a child of God and concerning the things of the kingdom, it is unwise to say a child of God is greater than another child of God or a child of God is the greatest preacher or teacher or man of God or singer or minister, etc., because of the ministry achievements we see. We are not of them that compare themselves with themselves. Most importantly, the Lor...
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Which Spirit is Behind The Music?

Music is so powerful on the souls of men, it can make people do crazy things. It can make you have goosebumps. It can make you feel excited or feel depressed or feel powerful or feel confused or feel inspired. It is a powerful tool. But while listening to a song or music piece. The spirit behind the song or music will make its impact. A spirit of self or spirit of darkness or the Spirit of God. A spirit of self will give birth to more ways of the flesh in the person. A spirit of darkness will give birth to more of the ways of the kingdom of darkness in the person. The Spirit of God w...
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Music Ministers Need Training and Discipleship

Church leaders are very pivotal to young men and women achieving their full potentials in Christ. I say this because I am a product of this. Most of you have read my story, and I keep telling it to encourage younger folks, and to put them in the straight and narrow path. I have since found out that it is not Love or an act of kindness and goodness to put a young man or woman in the limelight, merely on the basis of talent. This is something I personally did not understand but as I grew, and matured in Christ, this has became so clear and real to me. Many say doing so is to encourage them....
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Worship Leader, Know and Value Your Grace

As a worship leader, one of my greatest lessons in 2016 was the importance of knowing the grace God has given me, appreciating it, valuing it and maximising it. Putting it to the fullest use wherever and whenever possible for the glory of God. This is not about being prideful and arrogant, it's about being faithful to God. You need to know the grace of God upon your life and value it and operate by it. If you don't some people, unfortunately within the same ministry, can ridicule it and make you belittle it also. No only that, they will also treat you weigh below the worth God has made you...
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