Fulfilling Purpose Beyond The Local Church Assembly

In our society, most of the graduates from a university or polytechnic don't stay in the institution to be academic or non-academic staff. In similar fashion, most Christians who have gone through some training in local church assemblies will not remain church workers all their lives. In the course of their walk with God, God will take them out of the local church assemblies and have them go focus more on things that will have direct impact on the society. That's why many won't need local church titles and positions in the course of fulfilling their God-given purposes. They will spread ...
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Inspiring Story About Dr. Myles Munroe

An inspiring story I found online about the late Dr. Myles Munroe. I pray it blesses you greatly. When Dr Myles Munroe was fourteen years old, he had a white teacher (Mr. Robinson) from Scotland who talked them (the black students) down. The man told him that he was a half breed monkey, would never learn, stupid, black, a nigger, retarded, uneducable. Since he was an “F” student in the class at the time, he thought the man was right. He cried home to his mum and told her all that had transpired at school. She told him never to repeat the words the teacher spoke again. Then she gave him ...
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When Music Pastors/Music Directors Play gods!

Some very interesting truths in this write-up... [caption id="attachment_406" align="alignright" width="325"] Bola Mogaji[/caption] In the last few months, I have met and spoken with a few Music Directors, who were once ordinary musicians or vocalists, who have now risen to this heavenly position, due to ability, experience or service to their various ministries. For once, i was able to do a general personal assessment of who they really are, and their contributions to the further growth of the Music Ministry. My Verdict: Most have no clue about the responsibility of the office of...
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Who Are You Singing For?

A few weeks ago, I was having a chat with two other like-minded worship leaders in preparation for a special apostolic & prophetic event being organised by Hephzibah House of Prayer. And in the course of our discussion we started talking about the need to be careful not to draw attention to ourselves in the place of praise & worship, because it seems a lot of people are doing that in and outside the church environment, a perfect example was Beyonce’s perfomance at the SuperBowl. Which it’s reviews can be seen on Youtube, of how the demon in her was been worshipped with people hand...
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